As part of our consulting services to the architects’ team,
the museological proposition
lies somewhere between
strategic planning and programming, a design brief
and the actual concept development.
Innovation lies mainly in the integration
of museological provision into the architectural plan;
our proposal offers 4 complementary exhibitions
which enrich the visitors’ experience:
the main exhibition,
which will be telling stories, evolving around artefacts,
using interactivity, escalation and digitality,
the open-air glyptotheque,
offering visitors an unusual physical experience,
and may be enjoyed almost all year round,
thanks to Nicosia’s mild climate,
the garden of sculptures,
offering the opportunity to touch and feel
copies of Cypriot statues abroad
as the museum’s sober and creative contribution
to the international discourse on heterotopic antiquities
the “museum’s backstage” interactive exhibition,
where visitors are called to discover the hidden aspects
of museum work (like conservation and restoration),
and follow the long journey of artefacts
from manufacture through use and reuse to exhibition.
The layout of the museum’s main exhibition
aspires to establish a conversation
between chronological narration
(which is easy to comprehend for a large part of the audience)
and the presentation of specific thematic units,
that stand out because of their influence
in the making of ancient Cypriot identities.
The juxtaposition of these two axes on the actual plan,
creates a multi-layered visitor experience,
even at this early stage of design.
Thorough study of the collection
has allowed us to safely estimate
the bearing capacity of the exhibition halls,
in terms of both artefacts and visitor numbers;
and be assured – even in this early stage –
that everything is well fitted into place.
Good knowledge of the collection
has further allowed us to draw the architects’ attention
to the need for specific rest areas and visual intervals
that relieve museum fatigue at all times.
Complimentary to the above
is the placement of a secondary cafe
at the peak of the exhibition areas,
in the middle of the visitors’ route
and next to the semi-permanent exhibition area
requested in the latest version of the contest brief.
The project was selected among 129 entries
to participate to the 2nd stage
and got the 6th place in the finalists list.
2016 – 2017
49.310m² of which
11.000m² exhibition space
collaborating architectural firms
Yannis Kizis, project team leader
Tilemachos Andrianopoulos, Costandis Kizis, Nesto Scantzouris, architects
Marina Raftopoulou, Theodore Kanakopoulos, Constantinos Kosmas, Elias Theodorakis, assistant architects
Erato Koutsoudaki, architect-museologist
Anna Marangou, archaeologist
Andromache Gazi, consultant museologist
“EPILYSI Papathanassiou Papatheodorou” & Athanasios Kontizas, stuctural engineers
“INSTA Consultants Engineers Ltd” – Christos Zombolas, mechanical engineer
“INSTA Ltd” – Nikolaos Prounias, electrical engineer